Back to University - 7-Day Streaming

How does the latest evolution teaching stack up

Streaming Video
Product Status:

2016 Super Camp (Australia)

Product Audience:
High School-Adult

James Whitehall

60 Minutes

Streaming Video


Jim Whitehall, drawing on his experiences in going back to university, examines the evolutionary teaching that is presented to students in a First Year Biology course. Learn how evolutionary teachings in university (and in society at large) are a series of carefully constructed illusions designed to deceive, with textbooks that are a clever arrangement of real science, special definitions and clever illusions.

James spends a large part of the presentation deconstructing the illusions that are created, and presenting the biblical and scientific truth. This makes this presentation a good introduction to the creation/evolution debate.

This illustrated presentation was recorded at the 2016 Australian Creation SuperCamp in front of a live audience.

List of all video formats from the 2016 Australian Creation SuperCamp

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