Evolution Versus Science - Unlimited Streaming

How evolutionary belief has hurt biology

Streaming Video
Product Status:

2016 Super Camp (Australia)

Product Audience:
High School-Adult

Dr Don Batten

48 Minutes

Streaming Video


Dr Don Batten shows how evolutionary belief, rather than facilitating the study of biology, has hindered it. He demonstrates that evolution is ‘historical science’ rather than ‘operational science’, and as such makes claims that are impossible to test and difficult to falsify. Darwin and well-known modern evolutionists recognized this.

And yet evolution has repeatedly failed to explain the world around us and made false predictions. Dr Batten discusses some examples of these, including:

  • Evolution has failed to explain the origin of the diversity of life; the evolutionary ‘family tree’ simply doesn’t fit the facts. A single Designer creating many kinds is a much better explanation for what we see.
  • Evolutionary claims of vestigial organs were a grand failure. For example, recent studies rule out the human appendix as useless and show that it does not fit any evolutionary pattern of common descent.
  • Evolutionary claims that 98% of our DNA are ‘junk’, not worthy of investigation, are another grand failure for modern ‘science’. On the contrary, our DNA is probably nearly all functional.

Failed predictions mean a failed paradigm, so why does evolution persist? It has become a doctrine that is no longer open to falsification.

This illustrated presentation was recorded at the 2016 Australian Creation SuperCamp in front of a live audience.

List of all video formats from the 2016 Australian Creation SuperCamp

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