Inspiration from Creation

How Engineers are copying GOD's Designs

MP4 Video
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Product Audience:
High School-Adult

Prof Stuart Burgess

65 Minutes

MP4 Video

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Design engineers such as Dr Stuart Burgess (Professor of Design Engineering at the UK’s Bristol University) are increasingly copying designs from the natural world. Nature contains an abundance of brilliant design solutions. That shouldn’t surprise anyone familiar with the Bible’s teaching that creation has a Designer who is perfect in knowledge (Job 37:16).

Audiences worldwide have thrilled to Prof. Burgess’s engaging and powerful presentation demonstrating that creation, not evolution, is responsible for the supremely designed world around us.

This is a 3GB MP4 video file which needs to be downloaded to your computer / tablet / smart phone before you can watch it. The software/program needed to watch the video will normally be already on your device but if necessary free software can be downloaded from the internet and installed.

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