2018 Australian SuperConference download pack

Download all 17 video files

MP4 Video

2018 European Creation Conference (London)

Product Audience:
High School-Adult

MP4 Video

File Type:

File Size:
693-1649MB each


Is this download pack right for you?
The 17 files total ~20 GB, which is a significant amount to download. If your internet plan/speed is not up to the task, or if you prefer, a USB stick with the same 17 MP4 files can be supplied instead. See the USB version

17 illustrated presentations recorded at the 2018 Australian Creation SuperConference in front of a live audience:

*NB: There were some glitches in the live sound for the first presentation (only) which are reflected in the video recording. However, they should not impede the viewer's ability to appreciate this excellent talk.

Each file is a 720p MP4 video file, with sizes ranging from 693MB to 1649MB (totalling 20GB) , and can optionally be copied to your computer / tablet / smart phone before you watch it. The software/program needed to watch the video will normally be already on your device but if necessary free software can be downloaded from the internet and installed.

Browse all video downloads from the 2018 Australian Creation SuperConference

No part of these videos can be reproduced without permission.

Language subtitles are not available on MP4 download video products unless otherwise specified.

35-6-751, 35-6-752, 35-6-753, 35-6-754, 35-6-755, 35-6-756, 35-6-757, 35-6-758, 35-6-759, 35-6-760, 35-6-761, 35-6-762, 35-6-763, 35-6-764, 35-6-765, 35-6-766, 35-6-767

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