There is still much to do!

The vital work of evangelism today

Soft Cover

Product Audience:
Junior High-Adult


Andy Banton

Soft Cover


CMI aims to be a Christ-centred evangelical ministry, dedicated to upholding the truth and authority of the Bible from the first verse. To that end, we warmly commend this book. The author is General Secretary of the UK’s Open Air Mission, hugely experienced at sharing the Christian faith with men and women ‘on the street’. His book encourages all Christians to get involved in sharing their faith (in whatever context) and gives lots of practical advice, with plenty of anecdotes to illustrate the issues raised. One chapter, Scratching the itch, is especially focused on creation apologetics.

The publisher writes, “This book is aimed at individual Christians and at churches to both encourage and challenge us all to be involved. There is surely no greater work we could ever be doing than sharing the gospel with those who are still without a Shepherd!” We agree wholeheartedly.

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Issue 46:2

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