Session 11 – Noah’s Flood and the Ark - The Genesis Academy - 7-Day Streaming

Streaming Video

Product Status:

Product Audience:
High School-Adult

Keaton Halley

Streaming Video


Was the Ark just an overcrowded bathtub, as illustrated in so many children’s books today? The Bible actually gives us the dimensions of this ocean-liner-sized ship. Keaton Halley shows that it had plenty of room to accommodate all the types of animals that would have otherwise perished in the Flood. Also, if God was the architect, we should not be surprised the Ark had just the right dimensions and other design characteristics to be eminently seaworthy and to survive the hostile conditions that a global, cataclysmic Flood would present. Yes, the Flood was a judgment of sin, but also an example of God’s mercy and grace.

This is the eleventh session in The Genesis Academy set. The entire set can be purchased on DVD or as streaming video.

  • Contains great visuals including stunning graphics, animations and footage.
  • Perfect for adult and teen Sunday Schools or Bible studies, and even Sunday or midweek sessions.
  • Free online study guide available. You can print as many study guides as needed. View/download PDF

Be informed and entertained with this high quality production.

  1.  Does Genesis Matter? • Scott Gillis
  2.  Author, Date, Structure, Genre • Jonathan Sarfati
  3.  Creation of the World • Gary Bates
  4.  Creation Week Days 2 & 3 • Keaton Halley
  5.  Creation of Light-Givers • Jonathan Sarfati
  6.  God Creates Air, Land & Sea Creatures • Rob Carter
  7.  Creation of Mankind • Gary Bates
  8.  The Fall: A Cosmic Catastrophe • Joel Tay
  9.  The Pre-Flood World • Jonathan Sarfati
10.  Noah’s Flood and Billions of Years • Rob Carter
11.  Noah’s Flood and the Ark • Keaton Halley
12.  The Post-Flood World • Rob Carter

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